Tuesday 5 October 2010

Bits and bobs I have found...







1) This is one of the things where I sit and try and figure out how it was printed. Zoomed in, the shapes look sort of embossed (this probably isn't the word for what I'm trying to describe) Anyway, this made me remember some nice old print pieces Lorenzo brought in last year. I'm interested to learn about how print processes more (like the hand done print processes) because I think they would suit my work, but I don't feel confident with them/know what to do with them. I don't even know the words for lots of print processes, which is a bit shameful. I tried to re-create some of the pattern on my first attempt of my business card, but it just didn't work (something do do with it being too detailed and badly printed for the size of card maybe). I love the colours and patterns and even though they are wedding invites (there seem to be a lot of amazingly designed wedding invites floating around at the minute) I think the imagery could translate well to a lot of other things. This sort of style is something I want to work with more, and have been consciously been trying to work towards so far this year.

2) This was my main inspiration (hate hate hate that word) for my dad's veg label range. Funnily enough I have been looking at more and more image and type based work, and despite still being into drawing and image making I feel far more comfortable working with this sort thing now. I think designing the lables for my dad made me realise how much I enjoy working with both. It's the shapes around the type in this piece which caught my eye, I like how they re type but it's very visual with all the little icons. 

3) Another example of some type which has caught my eye. I like how simple and elegant it is but it's not boring at all. Maybe it's the colours on the stock? Black and orange is a bit weird but it works well.

4) Again, just a lovely bit of type. (all this type fancying is a bit worrying) I like the layout and the variation in sizes and typefaces.

5) Really, same as above. I also like how the type is printed straight onto the box. One thing I'm not sure about is using red on egg packaging. It makes me feel a bit squeamish.

6) Oh, number six. Wonderful. This is the sort of work I would like to be producing. I love how a bit of design can conjure up such a 'feel' about it. I don't know if this makes sense, but like...I have no idea what business/club/cafe/restaurant/shop this was designed for but I get a image in my head instantly just from looking at the branding etc. I suppose if what I imagine is close to what it is for in reality this must make it a pretty good bit of design. 

7) I'm not sure if this is something I would want to try my hand at, it looks fiddly and I'm not good at fiddly things. I do love the idea of making a story book this way though. I wrote one of my ten briefs based around this image, it was to make a big pop up book of gothic fairy tales, although I would have loved to try my hand at it and I think my style of illustration would fit with it I don't think I would be able to pull it off well enough.

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