Monday 15 February 2010


I've had a look at the live briefs and my initial reactions are that it's a bit of a challenge. I'm quite excited. Here are the ones that caught my eye and why:

'British Music Experience'

Firstly, this got my attention because I feel like there is something special about a bygone era of British music, which people should pay tribute to as well as encouraging new British music. Then I went to download the pack and well...the design on the PDF and their logo speaks for it's self. It's straight, serious and stuffy. Although the requirements state you're not allowed to mess with the shape or colour of the logo, it could be a good challenge to work with those rules and turn something that looks so boring into something contemporary and in keeping with it's audience's interests. 

'Feel Good Drinks'

this stood out although I can't decide whether I hate the idea or like it. The soft drinks industry has a smiley bright colourful face but I get the feeling it's pretty competitive. I don't think all the recycled packaging and bright colours isn't to do with giving off a healthy attitude anymore. I think this would be a really interesting project to work with, but what they are looking for "Create a campaign that communicates three simple things: our brand name, what our drinks look like and that our drinks are choc-full of natural, tasty, fruitiness. And do all this in a way that is unique, memorable and makes people laugh."- seems like a tall order to pull off when shelves are packed with drinks that all look the same and taste the same and claim to have all the same amazingly good potions jammed in the bottle. I do however like the attitude they have about their company. 

I'm the most excited about this one! Obviously whether or not I get to be involved in this one is up to who I work with but I really really like that whole 'heritage' thing Hovis have going on, I love history and have such enthusiasm for social history and how a household would have run when Hovis was first put on the shelves. I love the idea of using different packaging for their bread, going back to basics. I collect vintage kitchenware and have some nice bread tins that are at least 50 years old (decorative...I wouldn't bake in them, they're too nice!) so when the brief mentioned old style baking tins I thought this would be perfect. I also hate shopping for bread, packaging is dull. So incredibly dull for something almost everyone buys, along with milk bread must be one of the most brought groceries in the UK. So why are companies failing to entice the great British bread lovers? Another good reason for me to do this brief is I really like both their original 1973 advert and their more recent ad. I love them both just because they're sort of what bread is about, it's always going to be around as a staple of the great British diet. People are always going to eat bread and the more recent advert is all about celebrating that, I think it's clever marketing that touches people's hearts...which is quite something just from a little loaf of bread.


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